1.-Saturday 29 May, 7.00 p.m.
The Wild Women of Anywhere Beach and Dennis Aubrey
A Double Header – Creative Singer-Songwriters with Ukulele, at the Everglades
Two of the most original ukulele singer-songwriters in Australia on one night.
The Wild Women of Anywhere Beach – Cathy (Fast Fingers) Welsford and Angie (Random Chords) Smith – have performed together for 30 years, singing their way through political upheavals and cultural revolutions.
Dennis Aubrey (guitar and ukulele) is an accomplished songwriter and experienced street singer. One of Australia’s best song writers, he’s not to be missed.
Tickets are limited. Make sure you book early!
Tickets: $13/$15/$20
Bookings: https://www.trybooking.com/BQQIV
2.-Sunday 6 June, 2.00-5.30 p.m. CANCELLED
House Concert with Dingo’s Breakfast.
NB: The Date of this HOUSE CONCERT had previously been changed due to the Dingo’s misadventure. Now, sadly, cancelled due to ill-health. We wish them well and look forward to their return in the not too distant future.
Apologies for any inconvenience caused. Refunds have been made to all ticket holders.
Dingo’s Breakfast Oz Music & Poetry Band have escaped W.A. to appear in the best E. Coast folk venues in 2021.
With amazing beards & decades of performance experience under their belts, they present an electrically eclectic dialectic selection of Music, Poetry and Yarnspinning, with the accent firmly on Comedy . . Beauty!
Dingo’s Breakfast concerts are a unique and wonderful mix of Traditional and Contemporary Australian and Irish Songs, lavishly salted with an edgy slam of Performance Poetry. What a great way to spend a Sunday arvo.
All tickets $20
Bookings: no longer available
Like to plan ahead? Check out the planning calendar using the Troubadour Events Calendar 2021 link above