Featuring renowned fiddler and mandolin player, Lindsay Martin (known for his work with Enda Kenny and other major artists) from the Riverina, together with exciting Kiwi songstress Victoria Vigenser. Their harmonies and gritty, evocative performances have made everyone excited. No wonder they were recently nominated as NZ Music Awards “Best Folk Artist 2020” and received the 2020 Troubadour Foundation Award. Their catchy originals retain echoes of soulful Americana and celtic roots music amongst the harmonies.
Bookings required: $13, $15 and $20.
For bookings click here: Troubadour 27 March 2021 booking
Use link above, or go to Trybooking.com.au and search for Troubadour Folk; 27 March
Delicious food available. Please book meals ahead, prior to the event, with Everglades Club.