14 December ’24

TROUBADOUR’s Famous Xmas Celebrations! You’re Invited.
7 p.m. Saturday 14 December, Everglades Club

Troubadour Xmas Celebration – 7 p.m. Sat 14 December

All tickets just $10. Book here: www.trybooking.com/CWQUZ

Troubadour’s Famous End of Year and Christmas Concert, at the Everglades

This year’s theme: ‘Trains and Boats and Planes. Songs about transport and travelling.’ Songs and poems about Cars, Horses, Donkeys and Bikes are also welcome.

Get your ticket, invite your friends and get your act together. This will be a true celebration of summer, song and friendship.

About the Xmas Troubadour Xmas Celebration

This is our end of year celebration, full of do-it-yourself performances and a few surprises.

Members and other local performers are invited to perform. At least one and preferably all of the songs or poems should relate to the concert’s theme.

If you’re not a performer, don’t worry. This is a happy end of year event for everyone, and being part of the audience is a lot of fun. There’s plenty of drinks and food available at the club, and you’re sure to enjoy it!

The concert is an opportunity to get together with your friends on stage. Here’s a chance to learn some new songs, to form a new group or get up on your own and perform. Typically each act gets 5-10 minutes on stage, enough time for one, two or perhaps even three songs. The time available will depend on the total number of performances and the available time. Anyone who would like to contribute on stage is asked to call MaryAnne (0407 917 117) or Michael (4342 6716). Our rule is, each song should only be sung once on the night.

All tickets just $10: www.trybooking.com/CWQUZ

I’m coming… Just gotta get out of these funny clothes.

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